Photo-a-Day: Advocate

Photo-a-Day-AdvocateI use each of these items every day to help manage my diabetes.  Each one tracks a necessary variable.  In order to optimize my treatment, I need to analyze the data I collect, and yet none of these devices talk to one another or have a common analysis platform.  I advocate for simplifying diabetes data collection and analysis, while empowering patients.  (See my proposal, Pixels: Your Personal Diabetes Big Picture).

This post is one in a series for the National Diabetes Month of November.  Kerri from initiated the Photo-a-Day idea and prompts and lots of other diabetes bloggers have chosen to follow suite.

2 thoughts on “Photo-a-Day: Advocate

  1. Pingback: Photo-a-Day: Relationship | cyberneticdiabeticcyberneticdiabetic

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